
Be kind to your mind

With almost two-thirds of lawyers reporting high levels of stress, World Mental Health Day is a much-needed reminder that your mental health and wellbeing really matters. CILEx Regulation's wellbeing working group highlights some helpful resources for legal professionals.

While some stress can motivate, if it isn’t managed it can cause serious physical and mental health concerns. Many legal professionals don’t just experience stress – they struggle with it. Being at your best is essential for you and your clients.

So what can you do to support your mental health? Here are some suggestions from the Mental Health Foundation:

  • talk to someone
  • keep active
  • eat well
  • drink alcohol sensibly
  • keep in touch with family and friends
  • do something you enjoy
  • take breaks
  • ask for help

Free information is available from:

Why not start your stress-busting today by making sure you take a break?


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